dr subayal khan
business strategist
industry disruptor
b2b sales expert
award winning scientist
highest-rated high-ticket sales trainer
an inception of transformation that will unlock your
value and unleash your true potential
creating profound global impact via strategic business acquisitions,
disrupting industries and expertise in b2b sales. author of “the nonconformist salesperson”.

The expertise of Dr Subayal Khan covers a broad spectrum and primarily comprise of high-ticket sales, forming business consortiums, leading global ICT projects, disrupting industries via disruptive platform-centric business ecosystems, multi-sided markets, distributed software systems and ICT technologies. He did his PHD from TUT which is now merged with University of Tampere and during his career, he has worked with renowned research institutes including Fraunhofer ISS (in Germany), CWC (in Oulu, Finland) and VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland). This unique experience forged his career in technology-centric business development since the emphasis in these prestigious research institutes/centres has always been on “ICT centric business development”.
As a consultant, he likes to solve strategic problems of SMEs, including Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian SMEs. Moreover, many entrepreneurs and salespersons from all over the world have dramatically increased their sale closing rate by taking his patented sales coaching program, “The Nonconformist Salesperson”. As a top-notch expert in strategic business development, during his career, he has successfully closed consortiums of multinationals and innovative SMEs across Europe to co-innovate and forge radical innovations in the EU-FP6, EU-FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects. While working at VTT, he played a pivotal role in securing funding of several high-impact projects under the ARTEMIS Industry Association within Europe. Dr Subayal Khan is the author of groundbreaking book "The Nonconformist Salesperson” and consults businesses and influencers on how to dramatically increase their sales closing rate. He has been privileged to work with the world’s top-notch business experts, consultants, and world’s best business coaches in personal development space consisting of the best consultants for Mr Bob Proctor and Tony Robbins.
Apart from that, Dr Subayal Khan has been active in higher education industry in the UK and is leading the Innovation and Entrepreneurship modules at Wrexham University. His book, "The Nonconformist Businessperson” has been accepted as a textbook for the Entrepreneurship and Innovation module in the CMI “chartered management institute” accredited MBA Program at Wrexham University.
2012: Award for outstanding research issued by EU(ITEA/ARTEMIS)
Award issued by EU(ITEA/ARTEMIS) in the scope of Doctoral research(2012).
Honor issuer: European Union (ITEA/ARTEMIS)
Scope: ProjectReceived Award for outstanding contribution in in Joint EU Project SOFIA ,http://www.sofia-project.eu/
2012: Award for landmark contribution to the disruptive innovationsin Industrial IoT
Award from VTT for landmark contribution to the disruptive innovations in the area of Industrial IoT and Smart Spaces. www.vtt.fi
Honor issuer: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. SOFIA project led to the development of an Open Innovation Platform (OIP) which provided the interoperability between multi-vendor devices.
Scope: EU Project SOFIA,https://artemis-ia.eu/project/4-sofia.html
2012: Commendation from TUT and VTT for outstanding achievements while competing Doctoral Degree
Commendation from TUT and VTT for completion of Doctoral Studiesduring a recordt ime with profound impact in the area of Industrial IoT, Multi-Core platforms ad Smart Spaces.
Honor issuer: TUT, Finland, www.tut.fi
Scope: Thecontributions created novel paradigms that would ultimately lead to the development of novel middleware technologies and platforms that will solve the fundamental problems in Industrial IoT and Industry 4.0.
2012: Award for completion of PHD Degree in the shortest time.
Award from TUT, www.tut.fi, for completion of PHD Degree in shortest time in the history of VTT (confirmed) www.vtt.fi and Tampere University of Technology, www.tut.fi (most likely).
Honor issuer: Tampere University of Technology, www.tut.fi. Department of ComputerSystems.
Distinction: The Doctoral Degree was completed while I was working full time in VTT (www.vtt.fi) and Iwas not working as a PHD student in TUT’s premises.
Scope:Doctoral research.
2012: Qualified for one of the most prestigious EPAS Accredited Master’s Programmes
Description Qualified for the EPASAccredited Master’s Programme in InternationalBusinesses in University of Vaasa (with over 96% rejection rate).
Honor issuer: UniversityofVaasa, www.uva.fi , Finland.
Scope: Enrolled to one of the most competitive business programs in the world.
2006: Completed MSc in Electrical Engineering with distinctions.
Completed MSc degree with distinctions.Scored 94% marks (Highest in class) in courses studied in MSc Electrical Engineering(2006)
Issuer: Blekinge Institute of Technology, www.bth.se ,Sweden.
Scope: M.Sc Ecectrical Engineering
2002: Gold Medal(2002), B.E. Electrical Engineering.
Rector’s Gold Medal(2002) for Outstanding Final Year Project.
Honor issuer:N.U.S.T(National University of Sciences and Technology Pakistan), www.nust.edu.pk
Scope: Final Year Project, “B.E. Electrical Engineering”,www.nust.edu.pk




the nonconformist salesperson
The non-conformist salesperson gives an unconventional, perspective on the art of sales closing and will revolutionize your approach to sales. The book shatters the beliefs of salespersons which don’t serve them. It enables them to approach the sales with an intent to serve like a problem solver who has the best interest of prospects at hand.
The techniques, methodologies and tools described in this book help salespersons in connecting with the prospects but also understanding the emotional impact of their problems. This gives them the ability to help the prospects in closing the sale. The reason is “the prospects realize that the cost of remaining in the current state without solving the problem is more than the cost of solution which you provide”.
In short, this book contains the distilled knowledge of over 12 years of his sales experience which is presented as a step by step process. Any salesperson or entrepreneur can follow this process to become an elite salesperson. I am proud of this work since it has already helped many of my coaching clients in achieving outstanding results
award winning doctoral thesis
The thesis describes the results of cutting-edge research.
Scope: https://artemis-ia.eu/
Conducted in the scope of award-winning EU project SOFIA. The thesis describes the novel methodologies developed by Dr Subayal khan. These methodologies help a system architect to evaluate the feasibility of the distributed embedded systems in different application domains at an early phase and eradicate the shortcomings of the existing approaches and enables faster design iterations.
Therefore, the System Level Performance Evaluation (SLPE) approaches presented in the thesis provide reliable estimates of the non-functional properties. In this way, the system designer can determine the potential impact of an application in terms of utilization of the platform used by the device at an early phase. The novel methodologies presented in this thesis allow the system designer to identify the potential bottlenecks in the system and evaluate the non-functional properties with a high level of accuracy. This leads to an optimal system design much faster as compared to the other approaches at that time.

the nonconformist businessperson
The Big Picture and Value in Reading this Book:
Businesses are evolving at a rapid pace, the trends, the consumer behaviour, the technologies and the perception of the market evolves and changes at a speed never imagined before. In this world of uncertainty where the business environments are complex and shaped by various external stakeholders and competition the entrepreneurs and business strategists are faced with a challenge to quickly respond to competitive pressure to remain relevant. The key drivers of change are countless and the speed at which they evolve, appear, and disappear within a certain market demands the mastery of diagnostic skills that will mitigate the need to drown into analysis paralysis resulting from an application centric approach where the entrepreneurs look at the things through the lest of specific frameworks. Whenever the business environment is looking through the lens of a certain framework, it obviously acts as a filter too which might overlook the intrinsic nature of the business and industry as well as the key drivers of change. This makes the strategy formulation process application centric where the application of frameworks is at forefront and becomes the main focus. On the other hand, when the business environment is looked through the lens of key dimensions along which a business must be optimized to achieve sustainability and longevity, the thought process changes, and the strategy formulation process becomes diagnostic and optimization centric.
This book challenges the status quo and derives its inspiration from the success of renowned entrepreneurs and business coaches as well as my own experience. Here is how this book will help you in your entrepreneurial career:
Optimize Your Business Across Eight Critical Dimensions that matter the most instead of trying to fit models, theories, and frameworks to your context.

Be practical, be pragmatic, be a realist. Consolidate your business without drowning in a sea of frameworks, models, and theories.
Shape your business strategy with a problem-centric approach. Adopt an approach based on problems and diagnoses specific to your business, rather than focusing on applying theories to your business strategy.
When you seek advice, you're getting someone's life experience: So why not learn from a practitioner and business strategist?
So, let's get started and learn this unique approach to formulating your business strategy.
business strategy: transformation to a cashflow-machine.